The beauty of starting small

Spotted on the roof of my car on an early summer morning…

Consider the beauty and richness of creativity.  Consider how creativity surrounds us each day, often without our even giving it a second thought.  Consider the thinking that permeated these items, not only as they were developed and launched, but also in their modifications after being “invented.”

As I type, I’m looking at a coffee mug, a clock, and a pair of scissors.   Take any of those items and consider their brilliance.  Someone long ago found a better way to drink liquids, and from there the space may have changed, the handle was added, and the size and materials were modified.  Perhaps clocks “replaced” sundials and other ways to measure time, adding a dimension of being able to record and schedule time.  We have watches, digital clocks, alarm clocks, and cuckoo clocks.  From Big Ben in London to pocket watches, timekeeping spans sizes and places (and timezones!). 

Finally, there is a simple pair of scissors.  Remember that age when you weren’t allowed to use scissors…and then how one day you could use them for the first time by yourself?  At that point, the amazing quality of something so simple probably didn’t resonate with you.  (I know it didn’t with me.)  Now notice their design, their shape, their size, and their color.  Each pair has the same purpose, yet each has its own distinctive quality and benefit. 

The simplicity of creativity is quite striking to me.  I think that it may be easy to focus on the greater whole without realizing that the smaller parts are where that whole originated. 

Creativity starts small.  Keeping this in mind is one way to begin the process.